Wednesday, November 23, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 23 - Perry Noble

I have recently been reading and enjoying a certain blog by a writer who I am beginning to admire. Some of the leaders at church had mentioned his name a few times in conversations about leadership and who's material we like to listen to or read. I decided to check him out and came across his blog pretty quickly. I have been jumping around and reading bits of it.

He made a new post today that caught my attention and I was very thankful for the insight he provided in it. The post, titled "My Wife Had A Bad Experience At Chic-Fil-A!" makes some interesting connections between his initial reactions to the bad experience and the way many people react when the shiny-new gloss of their church wears off for whatever reason. I think he makes some good points as to why we need to stick with the Church despite bad experiences instead of trying to explain the bad experiences away.

The only thing I could add to his post is the importance of not running from or ignoring the problem (or becoming part of the problem). I believe that, when these issues creep up, our noticing the problem may be the first step toward correcting it. True, there are some problems where the correcting actually needs to happen to us and our mindset (such as his example of getting upset if someone does not call you after you have been absent for two weeks), but there are some problems where we need to step up and say, "Hey, that hurt!" Also, going with his example of not liking what the preacher said, there are times where we need to dedicate ourselves to further study to see if there was actually something wrong with what the preacher said. If there is, then we need to talk to them about that concern.

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