Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 10 - Doctor Who

He is a cross between James Bond and MacGyver, travels through time and space (and, occasionally dimension) aboard a ship that looks like a tiny police box [1] but is far bigger on the inside, is of a species of regenerating aliens known as Time Lords, fights off various fiends who would enslave or destroy, tries to hope for the best from others, enhances his companions lives, has found more uses for a screwdriver than you could imagine [2], and genuinely enjoys the adventure of it all. What is not to like? [3] Honestly, the character has a special place in my heart - a heroic potential that beckons me to influence the lives of others for the better even if it may seem crazy at times.

[1] His TARDIS (or Time And Relative Dimension in Space) has a faulty cloaking device so it is stuck looking like a 1960s-style London police box (a phone booth for police communication or calling the police). Note that this was done before Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

[2] The sonic screwdriver is a wonderfully nifty plot device.

[3] Granted, the best Doctor by far was the Tenth, played by David Tennant who decided to pursue the actor's path at the age of three because of his love for Doctor Who (specifically the Fifth Doctor, which is slyly referenced in the Children in Need 2007 mini-sode below).

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