Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 19 - Ah-ha! Moments

You know what I am talking about. Those little moments when something just clicks in your head and it makes all of the difference. As someone who taught and still ministers to kids, too, this can be just as rewarding of an experience for the teacher as it is for the student. I think it can be these moments that make God smile when something the Holy Spirit has been trying to get through to us finally resonates in our minds or when we finally notice that nifty connection in Scripture.

I had one of these moments while I was reading in my Bible this past week. Something that happened in John 2 finally hit me on a much deeper level. It was about the miracle at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. No, this is not some revelation that is going to give people another excuse to be drunken idiots - they have already twisted this Scripture enough for that purpose. This involves the jars used.

We are told in John 2:6 that, "Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons." These are the jars chosen to be filled with water which is then turned into wine. I have heard preachers try to argue that changing the water to wine was about making the dirty water into something useful but that is an interpretation that completely overlooks the fact that in verse seven Jesus tells them to fill the jars with water. These are clean jars. These are not jars that were just being used for washing. The water was as clean of water as they had available. The symbolism is not of dirty water being made into clean wine.

Think about it. These were the water jars to be used for ceremonial cleaning - a ritualistic washing that would be undone as time progressed. We also know that wine is later used as a symbol for Christ's blood in the Eucharist. So this ceremonial water, which was not sufficient, is transformed into a symbol for the cleansing blood of Christ that is sufficient. From this, verse ten takes on greater meaning as it describes much more than party provisions by alluding to Grace coming in to fulfill the Law. It also amplifies verse eleven when it says that He was revealing "His glory" and not just "His power".

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