Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 17 - Recipes and Embellishments

Strangely, I actually enjoy cooking. It gives me that comforting feeling of both knowledge of and control over what I am about to stick in my body. I have several cookbooks (both physical and digital) and like to check it out when friends or other bloggers post new recipes. I think one of the things I like about recipes is the fact that you can deviate from them to make delicious new creations. I like experimenting with extra ingredients and spices (I am a huge fan of spices) to make new concoctions. Over the years I have made things like Spicy Cheesy Tuna 'n' Tomato Stew, Shrimp Tacos (a favorite with my parents), Pineapple-and-Teriyaki-Soaked Chicken, Spicy Parmesan Shrimp/Chicken Pasta, and What-Sweets-Do-I-Have? Cookie Bars - all by just messing around with what I had in the kitchen. I can also marinate and grill a great steak. The important thing for me is to just have fun and see what happens - I enjoy experience even if I end up with things that could have been much tastier.

A recipe I wanted to share today was one I actually found through 3 Peanuts' blog. She posted this a while back and I had to try it when I saw it. My only suggestion is that you actually bake it a tad BEFORE inserting the chocolate chips as I found most of them migrated to the bottom of the bundt pan by the time it was done (leaving a rather sticky mess to scrape off and a not-so-pretty cake).
Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake

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