Friday, November 18, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 18 - The Little Things

Someone holds a door for you instead of letting it slam in your face. Someone helps you pick up that package or paper or whatever you dropped so that you do not have to try and balance the rest of the stack while you get it [1]. Someone refrains from taking the last cookie or soda or appetizer or whatever so that you can try it. Someone waits so that you can pass through even though they had the right of way. Someone picks up or cleans up whatever was lying around - even though it was not their responsibility. Someone calls and says, "Hey, let's go to lunch - my treat." Someone picks something up at the store for you without being asked. You wake up to a sunny day after several rainy messes.

Love is the little things. Thank you!

[1] This has a high failure rate.

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