Friday, July 22, 2011

Sites to Share - Behind the Name

As a new category or feature of this blog I thought I might share some nifty websites I've come across over the years. These are simply "Sites to Share" - nothing more, nothing less. I'm not receiving compensation from these sites to advertise or send readers their way [1]. On the other end, I'm also not just throwing a bunch of random sites up here. These are sites I actually use and have benefited from using [2].

The first of the "Sites to Share" is a little section of the net known as Behind the Name. This website provides a searchable database of given names and their etymology [3] for over 50 different linguistic backgrounds - including names based in mythology. The site also provides information on name popularity, anagrams, some basic root-words, and message boards. One of the helpful features I've found is a categorical grouping of names based on theme, which could definitely prove useful if you're searching for a baby name.

I like this site because I have an interest in etymology anyway. My name means 'humble but wise, who is like God, a person of victory'. I like the ring to that and I like checking out the meanings of friends' names to see if I notice any connections. I think names can be important. They can be an expression of the parents' faith for what a child will end up like. They can also be the choices of fools who merely wanted something that sounded 'cool', 'unique', or pleased the family. Whatever the case, names have significance and the people to which they belong have their own interesting connections.

I use this site when I write or do studies. The site has a random name generator, which proves useful when you need a character name or some inspiration. The site can be helpful if you want to slip some foreshadowing into your writing through a name, if you're writing an allegory and need a name with the right meaning, or if you want to avoid using the wrong name for a character. As far as studies go, whether you're looking at Biblical studies, historical research, or mythological inquiry, names matter and can give you clues as to the underlying themes to watch for in what you are investigating.

I've found Behind the Name to be a useful and entertaining spot on the web. It has vast potential for investigation and creation. Check it out sometime, play around with it, and see if it will be one of your sites to share [4].

[1] If I ever do, I'll let you know, but they will be sites I enjoy/approve of as is. I oppose the idea of participating in the advertisement of a product one does not personally use and enjoy.

[2] By 'benefited from' I typically mean the sort of intellectual-emotional pleasure I get from learning something new. I have a lovely habit of doing what I call "Wiki-dives" where I follow a rabbit trail of linked material within linked material, taking me through diverse disciplines and random knowledge I may never use but like to have. I've already described my bibliophile/gnosophile nature.

[3] For those who don't know, etymology is the explanation of the meaning behind the words, including history and linguistic development. It is not simply the definition but how the words came to be and previous definitions (i.e. saying that someone was 'nice' was the equivalent of calling them an idiot at one point in time). This leads to the title of the site being Behind the Name - it contains the meanings and history behind the names.

[4] I apologize for the lame name-dropping at the end. I know that I could edit it out but I figure it could help you to understand how mind-blown I am today. I've recently been on a job search so I've been bouncing around, reading job descriptions, and filling out online applications. It's a lot of work but I'm hoping it will be fruitful. I've come across some interesting companies with projects/products with which I'd love to get involved. I'm switching fields from education to engineering so I'm having to reeducate myself on some of the job posting terminology. Bear with me. Maybe my experiences will lead to some interesting posts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Engineering Relationship - Project Milo and Applications Beyond Gaming

Raise your hand if you're familiar with the Kinect peripheral for the Xbox 360. I assume most readers will be raising their hand at this point and then questioning why they are doing so as I can't exactly see them as they read my blog [1]. But I digress. The Kinect (originally referred to as Project Natal) was released November 4th, 2010 and has gained in popularity and sales ever since. I was originally skeptical due to anticipated hardware and software limitations and its pathetic webcam predecessors: the EyeToy for Playstation 2 and Xbox Live Vision [2][3]. However, having played around with it a few times at friends', I can safely say that I think they did a decent job. The Kinect isn't perfect, but it shows a start in the right direction.

Now, with all of that stated, raise your hand if you're familiar with something known either as Project Milo or Milo and Kate. I'm going to assume that unless you came here through a search engine - specifically searching for either of those - or unless you've already heard me rant about it, then your hands are comfortably placed in their usual computing positions [4]. I'm also assuming that this is for a reason beyond your realization of the futility of raising your hand without the observance of the one who has requested it [5].

Anyway, Milo is a project by Lionhead Studios - known for the 'god games' of the Black & White series, as well as the Fable RPG series. I call it a 'project' because its actual status and nature has fluctuated more than Oprah's weight. It debuted at E3 back in 2009 with a questionable [6], yet impressive, 'gameplay' video. Since then, Peter Molyneux, Lionhead's creative director, seems to constantly push that it will be a retail product (a 'game' if you want to call it that) - even presenting specific features and story elements at TEDGlobal 2010. They've even had their drama director, John Dower, present a technology/concept overview. It appeared to be some mix between The Sims, Animal Crossing, and one of those Japanese dating sims, with the exception that you're more of a friend/older brother character to a young boy as opposed to trying to get lucky [7]. Despite this, the project has been declared 'canceled' several times - the last of which being this past September - with its elements being called 'tech demos' or being incorporated into other games. However, all of these statements tend to get retracted or made all the more ambiguous, so who really knows what has happened to poor Milo.

It's at this point that I will reveal my personal agenda as far as Project Milo goes: I want this thing to both a) see the light of day in a retail product and b) inspire a new field of technological application and design.

Here's why:
  1. Milo is visually beautiful - Although that sounds weird, you have to admit that the demos contain graphically impressive technology. Milo's world feels real - having both detailed, manipulatable, settings and a nifty virtual reality touch. The mega-mesh technology and drama direction look to pull you in to the project's setting. In addition, the attention to Milo's character design, both features and expressions, give him a lifelike existence that I might actually grow to care about [8].
  2. Milo implements immersive interactive technology - The use of the Kinect for a motion-intuitive control scheme [9] that can integrate other manipulatives and surrounding details into the overall experience (such as giving Milo your own drawing or having him recognize the color of your shirt) is praise-worthy [10]. Furthermore, the proposed concept of a growing personality and conversation dictionary for the character via a network database shared with other players gives Milo (character and project) room to grow and self-patch from potential bugs. All references to Skynet aside [11], this concept of Milo receiving general updates from all users, and integrating current events, gives the project an expansive, extended-game play value. The potential for it to track your other Xbox habits (gaming or movies) and noted events [12] to develop conversations around makes Milo more personal as well. There has also been suggestion that Milo can keep track of multiple individuals at once or over the course of time. You can introduce him to new friends or the rest of your family and build relationship profiles for everyone - thus merging worlds.
  3. Milo has character and story - Okay, so this part hasn't been fully revealed but it has been suggested that you are basically Milo's friend helping him through a difficult transition. Milo is a British boy of unconfirmed age [13] who has just moved to the States with his parents. His parents appear fairly stressed as is, so he doesn't get much support from them. Based on some of the released conversation points, it's even possible that Milo's dad may be in the military (or even died while in the military) and that could be the reason for the move, his irritable mother, and more of his melancholy moments [14]. This is where you, as the player, enter Milo's world. He needs someone and, despite your exact nature, you get to provide support, guidance, moral development [15], and basic friendship to young Milo. Storyboard images released back in March portray it as an adventure game with a forest section and reveal Milo's dog, Kate. All-in-all you're taking Milo . . . somewhere, although the joy is really in the journey. It's still inventive storytelling that pulls you into the game, more so than other games typically praised for this.
  4. Milo actually has some real-world applications - Not to give any fuel for the fire of the 'violent games train you to kill people' crowd, but Milo or similar programs could be used for training - especially if you incorporate a complex point-and-rank system. A project like this could be used for screening or training foster-care and adoption applicants, counselors, social workers, daycare workers, baby-sitters, and teachers. You could even adjust the program for counseling purposes to help kids work through their own problems or prepare parents and caregivers to help identified children with special needs who will soon be in their care. Preparatory autism training for a new parent? Friendship-building training for shy, bullied, or bullying kids? New child preparation for an adoptive family's current children? Think about potential personality, problem, or training modules that could be developed. Milo could be from a traditional, single-parent, blended, or adoptive family. Milo could have issues with anger, loss, attachment, ADHD, personal phobias, nocturnal enuresis, reading, learning disabilities, stress, or a number of other childhood struggles - individually or in multiple layers. Milo could have interests ranging from artistic, athletic, scientific, philosophic, religious, technological, etc. In essence, Milo has potential to be far more than a recreational game. It could be educational, helpful, and encouraging.
In conclusion, Project Milo, while it seems hopelessly ambitious and difficult to promote as a mere game, involves innovations and potential applications that are too valuable to simply discard or cannibalize for novelties in traditional gaming. Although applications could be negative based on user-developed material [16], I think the potential for a positive utilization of the concept for training and personal development can far outweigh these abuses. I want the next news I hear of Project Milo to be a green light for its continued development and production of a marketable program. I'd hate to think of this as another concept that has been dropped because of short-sighted investors. Seriously, Microsoft, this would give me (and other markets) a reason to even buy an Xbox [17]. I'm sure any number of users would love to adopt (and be adopted by) Milo. Let us bring him home and expand our worlds! [18]

[1] Or can I? . . . No . . . No, I'm not that bored.

[2] Note that I am not linking these.

[3] Also note that I do not include Nintendo's Wii in this as I do not consider it to be operating on the same principles. It functions from infrared signal motion detection while the others are based around image processing.

[4] Or perhaps one is helping you to enjoy a tasty snack.

[5] I may have accidentally introduced something of a Zen koan here.

[6] Wired especially seemed schizophrenic with both hope at the potential and a healthy dose of skepticism.

[7] Although nice debates spawned over just how interactive things would get with Milo. Some even questioned whether it could be used as a course in pederasty. You can look up some of these forum debates and spoofs on your own time if you're really so interested.

[8] The only other time I've even remotely cared about a character in a game is in the Silent Hill series of games (mainly because I could somewhat identify with the character's complexity and struggle).

[9] Which works far better than I ever would have imagined at this stage.

[10] Although this does make me a little leery about what I may have, or may need, sitting around my game area. Not to mention the fact that this will be the first time I'll feel the need to wear pants while playing a video game.

[11] It's been beat to death anyway.

[12] Remember his farewell from the video that included a reminder about your mother's birthday? This could prove potentially more useful than facebook but also gives you more reason to care about Milo - it kind of feels like you actually know each other.

[13] Seriously, I've heard anything from 8- to 12-years old. The suggestion has been made that you are Milo's imaginary friend, which would make me lean toward the younger age, but I've not seen as much confirmation of this. It could be that you are like a sibling, cousin, or real friend. I feel more comfortable with the idea that you are actually a real entity in this world as Milo has an EXTREMELY overactive imagination (or psychosis) otherwise. Meaning someone is bound to notice, diagnose, and eliminate you with a nice pill.

[14] Perhaps even the one clip where he shouts at you is tied to a story line of loss, or even conflict between his parents. There are several interesting routes this could take.

[15] You can choose to either promote or prevent him from squashing a snail, oh my!

[16] Think of Second Life.

[17] Xbox fanboys can shut it. There has yet to be anything brought out that would make me invest that cash when I'm primarily a PC- and retro-gamer. I've got just as good (if not better) games and opportunities in those realms.

[18] A final legal-related note: I do not represent, nor have I received any compensation from, ANY of the companies/persons who own, produce, or develop the hardware, software, or services mentioned above. All products, titles, etc. are the property of their respective owners. I presently have no affiliation with any of the linked or described entities (apart from the link to a previous post of my own).

With that said, if any of the companies/persons mentioned above would like to hire an electrical engineer with experience in logic design, software-hardware integration, and programming using bio-inspired (genetic) algorithms, I'm available and would love to aid in this and similar projects.

To my readers: I apologize for the bit of self-promotion just now but, hey, it's a cool project and I need a career. Also, consider the rest of this blog. I would be the perfect person for working on all levels of the development and could help you bring a realistic Milo home.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Rabbit Hole Verses - Judges 6:13-14

Gideon answered him, "But sir, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our ancestors recounted to us, saying, 'Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?' But now the LORD has cast us off, and given us into the hand of Midian."
Then the LORD turned to him and said, "Go in this might of yours and deliver Israel from the hand of Midian; I hereby commission you."
- Judges 6:13-14 (NRSV)
Our verses above [1] show us a young Gideon venting to someone he does not at first realize is a messenger of God and then God seemingly taking his vents as volunteering. Doesn't seem very fair, does it [2]? However, when we analyze what's going on here, we then see that Gideon is essentially asking the common question of today:

"If God's so good, then why does He let ____________ happen?"

First of all, if you are living in the United States and haven't heard a question like this yet, then I'd like to welcome you out of your hermitage and, furthermore, to the Internet. Second of all, if you are living in the United States - or if you are a human in general - and haven't said something like this yet, then you've led an extremely sheltered life and I'd like to welcome you to the Internet with a warning that you are probably soon to feel much like Siddhartha Gautama when he first left the palace.

Now, onto our analysis. Gideon is doing what we all do at some point or another - looking at his present situation and seeing a severe disconnect from what he is told has been promised or has happened before. Gideon has a clear understanding of the problem, but a poor understanding of the needed solution.

When I hear questions like that above, it is usually coming from someone who is either trying to justify their disbelief or is looking for an excuse to disbelieve so that they can justify their other behavior. Essentially, they want an easy way out of actually having to think and don't really care about the problem that fills the blank. Unfortunately, the issues that are brought up are real but often ignored by these and others who want to make it someone else's problem [3]. They are willing to complain but not to do anything beyond that. However, there are some who actually care and to those, I address this post.

Many solid Christians also have these questions, but keep them to themselves for fear of either being labeled as faithless complainers or having to admit that they don't know how to handle the situation on their own [4]. To you, I also address this post.

There are others in the body who have these questions and may even voice them considerably, but have no desire to actually do anything to help. They consider themselves to be helping merely by pointing out what they perceive to be problems - perhaps even seeing themselves somewhat as prophets, leading the church in the way they think it should go [5]. To you, well . . . hopefully you will get something out of this.

Anyway, we all have these questions like Gideon. We recognize that something isn't right in our world and needs to be fixed [6]. We voice these concerns and what does God do? He makes it our problem. Or does He make us its solution?

Cue the turn-around music.

When we take this verse into consideration with others like Ephesians 2:10, which point to us as having been created to fulfill what was a foreseen need, we suddenly find our complaint to be an agreement. Something is wrong and the fact that I recognize it suggests that God wants me to be part of the solution. Look back at what God said to Gideon:

"Go in this might of yours . . . I hereby commission you."

God sees something in Gideon (concern, caring, whatever you want to call it) that gives him might that will ultimately be used to fix the situation. He had already prepared Gideon for a time such as this, a time when He would use the boy to accomplish something great beyond the boy's ordinary capacity.

When you are moved by an injustice, recognize that God is also moved (check out His Word for more information about it). Recognize that He may very well be moving you and preparing you to correct it. Don't use it as a cop out to turn away!

I once was listening to a friend of a missionary (who is also now a missionary) [7], who was talking about a terrible time through which his friend had gone. Long story short, he could probably swap lamentations with Job. When asked by someone if he felt like God had failed him, he replied, "No, someone failed God!" That statement has stuck with me.

Disaster and suffering are going to happen, but it's what gets done with them that matters. We were put in charge of this world and we drop the ball time and again. However, we were made with good works in mind. Furthermore, we are where Heaven is to meet Earth. We can whine about it or we can go in the power that He gives us and fix it.

What seems like a long time ago now, God put a special urging of this type on my own heart. He opened my eyes to the path of the Spirit of adoption and the pure and undefiled religion for which I was made. When I watch things like Hotel Rwanda or see things in the news, my heart is moved for the fatherless. I know there are other issues surrounding these tragedies, but God has called me to the fatherless. I also know that other Christians have not been called in such a way as I have - my call being more to the midst of it. I pray for other workers for these fields, but I also respect the workers of other fields [8]. We will solve these problems and others in our parts. We are all called, so we must be attentive to the promptings. We are all called, so we must not try to buck the responsibility off on God - He's already doing His part, and through us!

Let's not ask, "If God's so good, then why does He let ____________ happen?" Instead let us ask, "God, You're so good, what can we do about ____________?" Be ready to follow His guidance. We are all called, so we must not fail God.

[1] Please read Gideon's whole story for context.

[2] Although we shouldn't go arguing fairness with God as it's never worked for anyone else. Ultimately our definition of 'fair' tends to be lacking in both knowledge and wisdom, falling into selfish desire and weak attempts at self-justification. We're really no better than Satan in that regard, but that's a blog for another day.

[3] One common example of this is the genocide that goes on in Africa. I recently finished Hotel Rwanda with a good friend of mine. I say finished because I had started watching it at another friend's a long time ago but had to leave half-way through to get to a class. Sadly, that was not just a one-time ordeal and terrors like that have been perpetrated in many areas of the world throughout time (see Schindler's List sometime). I've noticed that a lot of people talk about this but very few really do anything - and that's even after I remove those who are called to serve elsewhere.

[4] The last three words being key.

[5] These types are especially dangerous when they do involve themselves. They typically make everyone else's lives a living heck while they continue on their warpath to renovate. They have forceful personalities and tend to be expert manipulators. Although they probably won't recognize themselves as they read this blog (everyone appreciates all of their hard work, right?).

[6] Although, sometimes, it's our perspective that needs adjusting, there is still a problem to be addressed. Also, I recently read something that pointed to this notice of a lack of what we will call justice as an argument for the existence of God. The argument is weak. Although I don't have time to deal with it here (maybe Kyle will), I will simply ask you to avoid using it - you probably won't once you think about it anyway.

[7] I know, I know. A lot of missionaries tell some great stories that are delightfully unconfirmable that people get all jived up about. This is not one of those stories. Mostly because I don't remember the details, but more so because the details really weren't important - it was the thought.

[8] This is a point that many miss, especially those in [5].

Feeling Sing-Songy Today

Filter Veil
Written by Shannon Nichols
4 July 2011 @ ~1PM

You've kept that veil on for far too long
And your sight is blinded to approaching da-awn
You want to see but through your filter you can hide
And keep it all on the inside

You've mourned the loss of your childhood
You'd bring it back if you knew you cou-ould
You want to be but through your drama you can hide
And keep it all on the inside

Well you won't tell anybody 'bout the way you feel
And you've always gotta question 'bout the time you ste-eal
If you'd look to Him, y'know He'd finally set you free
But then where would your filter be?

You've kept that veil on for far too long
And your sight is blinded to approaching da-awn
You want to see but through your filter you can hide
And keep it all on the inside

You've tried to be there for your little boy
And though your love's there you're still losing joy-oy
You want to be but through your drama you can hide
And keep it all on the inside

Well you won't tell anybody 'bout the way you feel
And you've always gotta question 'bout the time you ste-eal
If you'd look to Him, y'know He'd finally set you free
But then where would your filter be?
O-Oh where would your filter be?

He says:
I'm giving me to you
C'mon I'll pull you through
We're takin' off that veil
And finally see what's real
We're gonna finally see what's real-

Well you're gonna tell somebody 'bout the way you feel
And you're gonna say you're sorry 'bout the time you ste-eal
'Cause you looked to Him and He finally set you free
Yes He finally set you free-

Well you're gonna tell somebody 'bout the way you feel
And you're gonna say you're sorry 'bout the time you ste-eal
'Cause you looked to Him and He finally set you free
Now your eyes can look and

See the beauty in your life
Free from anger, free from strife
You've let down your veil
And without filters you now can see-
A love that finally lets you be-

Well you've gotta tell somebody 'bout the way you feel
And you're gonna keep on singin', there's no time to ste-eal
'Cause you looked to Him and He finally set you free
Yes He finally set you free-