Friday, July 22, 2011

Sites to Share - Behind the Name

As a new category or feature of this blog I thought I might share some nifty websites I've come across over the years. These are simply "Sites to Share" - nothing more, nothing less. I'm not receiving compensation from these sites to advertise or send readers their way [1]. On the other end, I'm also not just throwing a bunch of random sites up here. These are sites I actually use and have benefited from using [2].

The first of the "Sites to Share" is a little section of the net known as Behind the Name. This website provides a searchable database of given names and their etymology [3] for over 50 different linguistic backgrounds - including names based in mythology. The site also provides information on name popularity, anagrams, some basic root-words, and message boards. One of the helpful features I've found is a categorical grouping of names based on theme, which could definitely prove useful if you're searching for a baby name.

I like this site because I have an interest in etymology anyway. My name means 'humble but wise, who is like God, a person of victory'. I like the ring to that and I like checking out the meanings of friends' names to see if I notice any connections. I think names can be important. They can be an expression of the parents' faith for what a child will end up like. They can also be the choices of fools who merely wanted something that sounded 'cool', 'unique', or pleased the family. Whatever the case, names have significance and the people to which they belong have their own interesting connections.

I use this site when I write or do studies. The site has a random name generator, which proves useful when you need a character name or some inspiration. The site can be helpful if you want to slip some foreshadowing into your writing through a name, if you're writing an allegory and need a name with the right meaning, or if you want to avoid using the wrong name for a character. As far as studies go, whether you're looking at Biblical studies, historical research, or mythological inquiry, names matter and can give you clues as to the underlying themes to watch for in what you are investigating.

I've found Behind the Name to be a useful and entertaining spot on the web. It has vast potential for investigation and creation. Check it out sometime, play around with it, and see if it will be one of your sites to share [4].

[1] If I ever do, I'll let you know, but they will be sites I enjoy/approve of as is. I oppose the idea of participating in the advertisement of a product one does not personally use and enjoy.

[2] By 'benefited from' I typically mean the sort of intellectual-emotional pleasure I get from learning something new. I have a lovely habit of doing what I call "Wiki-dives" where I follow a rabbit trail of linked material within linked material, taking me through diverse disciplines and random knowledge I may never use but like to have. I've already described my bibliophile/gnosophile nature.

[3] For those who don't know, etymology is the explanation of the meaning behind the words, including history and linguistic development. It is not simply the definition but how the words came to be and previous definitions (i.e. saying that someone was 'nice' was the equivalent of calling them an idiot at one point in time). This leads to the title of the site being Behind the Name - it contains the meanings and history behind the names.

[4] I apologize for the lame name-dropping at the end. I know that I could edit it out but I figure it could help you to understand how mind-blown I am today. I've recently been on a job search so I've been bouncing around, reading job descriptions, and filling out online applications. It's a lot of work but I'm hoping it will be fruitful. I've come across some interesting companies with projects/products with which I'd love to get involved. I'm switching fields from education to engineering so I'm having to reeducate myself on some of the job posting terminology. Bear with me. Maybe my experiences will lead to some interesting posts.

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