Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - Day 22 - Stand-Up Comedy

I think my enjoyment of stand-up began somewhere in middle school. It was just nice to hear someone else complaining about those things that irk you but doing so in a way that makes you laugh and feel less perturbed by them. It is all part of that shared human experience/misery loves company thing. It can be empowering and comforting. It can also introduce you to new subjects or new ways of looking at life. As Stephen Hawking is quoted as stating, "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny" [1]. I'll post some clips from YouTube of a few of my favorites.

Brad Stine

Tim Hawkins

Bob Smiley

These last two may not be appropriate for all ages or all tastes.
Rob Paravonian

Taylor Mali

[1] "The Science of Second-Guessing", The New York Times. 12 December 2004.

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